Pictures of gay men in the nude

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More recently, bi-annual style magazine Man About Town featured the model Michael Morgan nude on its limited edition cover, also shot by McLellan – the limited run of 500 sold out in 10 minutes. Meanwhile, last season, photographer Alasdair McLellan shot a Raf Simons/Sterling Ruby collections story for Arena Homme+ featuring two naked images of the model Danny Blake one was full-frontal nude, the other featured a jumper with nothing on the bottom half. Cue a storm of media coverage and the Instagram hashtag: Dick Owens. The designer – who has a made a career out of creating highly expensive leather jackets – sent out several models minus underwear in tunics featuring peepholes, cut to reveal their genitals. In January, at Rick Owens’ Paris fashion week show, penises swung gently down the runway. That’s right, chaps, this season cocks are in – or, perhaps more specifically – out. Because the hottest trend in menswear right now is not about clothing but the lack of it. T he phrase “emperor’s new clothes” is rolled out all too often in fashion – but this season it could be bang on the money.

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